We are actively seeking "Kid Food Reporters" for The Kids' Cooking Network!.
We want you! if you are between 8 - 18 years old for "Kid Top Chef Interviews", Kid Restaurant Reviews, Kid Food Market Reports, Kid Afterschool Refrierator Challenge, share "secret recipes", give us the inside "scoop" on your countries favorite dishes, report on food history, etc., etc.,
Must have expressed written permssion from parent or guardian, please submit a photo and short bio on yourself, a 1 - 3 minute video for consideration via www.yousendit.com , Please put "Kid Reporter" in the "Subject: submit to: [email protected]. Please include the following information in the bio... What country are you from? (only the country please, we will not post town you are from and no other information will be shared) Why do you feel you would be a good Kids Cooking Network Reporter and What do you feel to have to contribute to The Kids Cooking Network? What is Your favorite food? How do you want to help kids eat more healthful? DEADLINE for consideration is February 28th. "See What The Kids Are Cookin Up... On... The Kids Cooking Network..."
We want you! if you are between 8 - 18 years old for "Kid Top Chef Interviews", Kid Restaurant Reviews, Kid Food Market Reports, Kid Afterschool Refrierator Challenge, share "secret recipes", give us the inside "scoop" on your countries favorite dishes, report on food history, etc., etc.,
Must have expressed written permssion from parent or guardian, please submit a photo and short bio on yourself, a 1 - 3 minute video for consideration via www.yousendit.com , Please put "Kid Reporter" in the "Subject: submit to: [email protected]. Please include the following information in the bio... What country are you from? (only the country please, we will not post town you are from and no other information will be shared) Why do you feel you would be a good Kids Cooking Network Reporter and What do you feel to have to contribute to The Kids Cooking Network? What is Your favorite food? How do you want to help kids eat more healthful? DEADLINE for consideration is February 28th. "See What The Kids Are Cookin Up... On... The Kids Cooking Network..."